Le Chantier Dental Services

World Class Dental
Services In Seychelles

Dental Services

Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment
of tooth loss, dental cosmetics and advance dental treatments.


It is not difficult to have whiter teeth! We have 2 ways to improve your smile:
Home Bleaching:

With one impression we provide 2 transparent mask that will be filled with a special gel. After 5-7 nights of treatment you’ll have a wonderful nice white smile.

LED lamp:

Within 15 to 30 minutes with a special gel and a strong lamp, you will get a nice smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Some patients will need a little more work to have a nice smile. In some cases we need to cover the surface of the teeth with a thin layer of ceramic (veneer) to have a better color and shape.
  • Or we can correct gaps
  • Or many other different situations

Digital Radiography

In order to have a precise diagnosis, sometimes we need to make Xr’s. In our practice we can offer the latest equipment in digital radiography.
Intraoral XR’S:

The small Xr’s to see cavities, calculus, fillings….

Panoramic or OPT:

It gives the image of the whole mouth for a better study of the bone, wisdom tooth, supernumerary or missing.

3D Dental Scan is a revolutionary dental imaging system that provides three dimensional, high-resolution dental images. This machine is the only one in Seychelles and it is vey useful for exact reconstruction of bone for implants, surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, maxillary sinus.


Nowadays implants are a safe way to replace a missing tooth in the mouth. We use Megagen Titanium Implants as artificial root which is inserted in the bone and then a ceramic tooth is placed on it.

In some cases where there is not enough bone, we have to regenerate it with BGR (bone guided regeneration) technics or with Maxillary Sinus Lift. With the 3D Scan we can study the bone to know exactly how is the bone for the implant.


Conscious Sedation with Nitrous Oxide

Conscious sedation dentistry allows you to enter a state of relaxation while staying awake during the procedure. Although you won’t feel any pain, you’ll be able to respond to your dentist’s questions and commands. As communication is key with any dentist-patient relationship, conscious sedation is an excellent option for fearful dental patients. It is a fantastic option for children, fearful or anxious patients: they will easily breath through their noses in a small mask and after 3-4 minutes they will start to fill more relaxed.

When the procedure is over, the nitrous oxide wears off almost immediately with no side effects or recovery time.

Invisible Orthodontic Treatment

If you wish to correct your smile (crowding, crooked teeth, gaps) we have this new treatment based on totally invisible masks.

It is a revolutionary therapy very helpful for adults and children without the discomfort of braces.


Begin Your Journey to a Happier
And Healthier you